This blog details the state of composites in Scandinavia, Korea and Japan. This information is a collation of data available in public domain and no responsibility for any loss of property or life is envisaged.
Scandinavia comprises Sweden, Denmark and Norway and Finland as shown in Figure 1.
Figure.1: Map of Scandinavia
Academic & industrial research ecosystem - Sweden
LULEA University of technology research about structural composite with experimental composite characterization and structural analysis using FE codes. They also work with Nano composites such as carbon Nano tubes and wood deck bio-nano composites and they focused with the structural properties relations with experiment, mechanics, and modeling of bio-based materials. In collaboration with SICOMP and LULEA they are conducting an international conference on manufacturing and design of composites and bio-composites. Some of the researches are also conducted in Gothenburg University about composite engineering and Nano technology. GKN Aerospace Engine Systems designs and manufactures components including: turbine, combustor and compressor structures; fan blades, cases and blisks; compressor rotors; LPT (low pressure turbine) cases; shafts and vanes. Its combination of lightweight metallic and composites capabilities has created a distinctive offering to the market. Work will take place at the company’s aero-engine engineering centers of excellence in Sweden and Norway. The lightweight, fuel efficient car of the future can be made using materials from Swedish forests. The research institutes Invention Swerea and Sicomp have worked together in unique cooperation to develop the first carbon-fiber composite demonstrator from softwood lignin. The body for both the old and the new ambulances is manufactured by Fiber Composite; a Swedish-based company specialized in composite materials, in close cooperation with Nilsson Special Vehicles.
Academic & industrial research ecosystem - Denmark
Technical university of Denmark focuses on developing a new fiber composite material including manufacturing and processing, characterization of microstructures, modeling of materials, and characterization of mechanical properties, non-destructive evaluation and structural health monitoring. In ulster university students done project on improving the properties of CFRPs and impart multi functionality by growing Graphene Nano flakes (GNFs) on the surface of carbon fibers to make composite materials. The Interdisciplinary Nano science Center (iNANO) is a major research and education center based at Aarhus University. Centre for Future Materials (CFM) at USQ is recognized nationally and internationally as a Centre of excellence in advanced materials and manufacturing. Its research priorities are includes advanced composite manufacturing, civil composites and Smart materials. FORCE Technology collaborates with companies, universities and authorities on research and development projects which have participated in a number of projects in order to advance the development of polymer and composite materials. NEI Corporation’s self-healing fiber-composite technology is designed to prevent growth of delamination cracks and micro-cracks in fiber-epoxy based composites. It can self-repair defects with high healing efficiency and can be implemented in conventional fiber reinforced epoxy composites.
Academic & industrial research ecosystem - Norway
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology researched in the field of functional composite materials for high voltage applications is available. University of Oslo has a course which includes analysis of fiber composites, material properties for composites with continuous, unidirectional fibers and with short fibers. Norut Narvik is a technological research institute which researches on composite materials. Norway research council has researched about modeling of composite materials with impact damage, adhesive and mechanical composite metal joints at low and varying temperatures and relation between production parameters and fatigue properties of composites. NTNU internal also researched on development of high strength recyclable composites. A new institute called SINTEF industry research into the use of composite materials aims to reduce bridge costs and provide more durable wind turbines. Hexagon Composites will prioritize relevant research & development associated with the environment and the Group is continuously involved in several projects.
Academic & industrial research ecosystem - Finland
VTT has comprehensive research facilities for the processing of plastics and composites. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland focuses on the project to study damage tolerance of composite and metal-composite adhesively bonded joints. Fracture propagation is simulated numerically using finite element models; experimental work is carried out to understand the phenomena due to static and fatigue loading. LUT Mechanical Engineering focuses on the research of various composite materials. Alto university school of engineering focused on composites formed from continuous reinforcing fibers and polymers.
BASF focuses on light weight composites in automotive industry. Oy Kokko-Fiber Ab is the leading Finnish family-owned supplier of fiber-reinforced plastic composite materials.
The map of South Korea and North Korea is shown in Figure 2 with its capital Seoul. In Abarden University they have done Ph.D project on optimal design of fiber reinforced composites. Composites material laboratory is located in Korea advanced institute of science and technology. Fraunhofer institute of chemical technology in Korea mainly focuses on composites in automotive section. Seoul national university established new theory for highly stretchable conductive composite materials. Ha structures and composite laboratory (HSCL) in Hanyang University has been working in collaboration with Nanyang Technological University to study the influence of different braid patterns on the durability of braided composites. A finite element tool based on Abaqus has been developed by HSCL to automatically generate unit cell models corresponding to various braid patterns, and analyze their mechanical behavior. A multi-scale fatigue life prediction approach for composites is being developed by HSCL, in collaboration with DSO National Laboratory, Singapore. It is also carrying out a research supported by BOSCH on development of a multi-scale approach for fatigue life prediction of short fiber composites. Korean institute of material science have their major activities on new research projects namely FE based metal matrix composite, Electromagnetic absorbing composite, etc. Through the Carbon Valley Project, Korea aims to establish domestic suppliers of carbon fibers as well as develop advanced technology for carbon-based composite materials. Hanwha Nanotech Corporation, a company that produces carbon nanotubes (CNT). LG Hausys, based in Seoul, has acquired six new patents for automotive materials and components; five relate to lightweight materials for use in vehicles. Automaker Hyundai has invested in a huge research center at the university's Seoul campus to develop composites for automotive. TORAY carried out research and development of the T800S carbon fiber with high compressive strength and intermediate elastic modulus, and this fiber has been used in major aircraft developed in recent years such as the Boeing 777 and 787, and Airbus A380. They have also commercialized T1100G, in which both tensile strength and elastic modulus have been increased by 10%, and they continue to pursue higher performance carbon fibers.
Figure 2: Map of Korea
The location of Japan with its capital Tokyo is shown in Figure 3.Kogakuin University is researching polymeric materials as mechanical materials by the approach unique to mechanical engineering. Innovative composite center (ICC) is conducting a range of projects to promote a dramatic increase in the use of composite materials. Tokyo University has conducted research on mechanics of composite materials mechanical properties in composite materials /structures for aerospace applications. They also researched on experimental mechanics and computational mechanics of Composite materials. Kyushu University is experiment on dynamic strength of composite materials. They are also researching on Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Advanced Composite Materials. A SHM system for composite structures of aircraft is a project which is conducted by (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.), KHI (Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.), FHI (Fuji Heavy Industries, Ltd.) and Yokogawa (Yokogawa Electric Corporation). Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) leads many new research fields in composites. UTokyo-JAXA Center for Composites is going to research on Structural Health Monitoring of Aircraft Composite Structures Using Optical fiber sensors and Process and Life Cycle Monitoring and Quality Assessment of Composite Structures. It seeks to contribute to the Japanese aerospace industry by conducting research with the aim of overcoming weaknesses of current composite materials, clarifying unknown aspects such as fracture mechanisms, improving performance and enabling application to design technology. Japan Society for Composite Materials is also conducting researches on composites. International Plastic Fair (IPF) aims to be a global research and development hub for composites. Mitsui & Co., Ltd. entered into a cooperation agreement and an equipment lease agreement with the Innovative Composite Materials Research and Development Center ("ICC") of the Kanazawa Institute of Technology ("KIT") to carry out experimental research concerning new production methods for the fabrication of automotive parts and other industrial products using carbon fiber composite materials.
Figure 3: Map of Japan
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Blogged by: N. Deepika